Digital Wellness Tips
Disconnect to Reconnect
Morning Ritual
Establish a technology-free “Morning Ritual” and gradually wake up and connect with yourself. Exercise, do yoga, meditate, take a shower, and eat breakfast before you check your phone or email.
Scheduled Down Time
Schedule time in your day when all devices are switched off and you are connected with the real world. Take walks in nature without your devices and focus on the sensory experience of the natural world.
Time to Disconnect
Wear a wristwatch so you don’t constantly have to check your phone for the time.
Digital Notifications
Disable all push notifications. Alerts from Facebook, Twitter and email can interrupt your day, deadlines and thought processes. Instead, choose the time of day to check your messages and be intentional about it.
Write instead of Type
Give your eyes, wrist and fingers arest and use pen and paper instead of typing. Manual writing can give you a sense of creativity, as well as mental and physical freedom.
Technology-Free Meals
Go device-free at meals and set meal times as an opportunity to connect with your food, family, friends and yourself.
Switch off Wi-Fi and routers at night when you are not using them.
Nighttime Ritual
Stop using electronics one hour before bed by creating a “Bedtime Ritual” which may include: taking a bath or a shower with relaxing essential oils, having a cup of warm camomile tea, or doing a short, five-to-ten-minute breathing and meditation exercise.
Technology-Free Rooms
Remove computers and other digital devices from your bedroom, as artificial light increases your alertness and can suppress sleep hormones. Leave your phone out of the bedroom at night.
The Here, The Now
Welcome quiet time. Don’t fill every empty space with technology. Savour the stillness.