Casks of beer stacked on top of one another at Boston Brewery

Visita a la Samuel Adams Boston Brewery con degustación

Visite la Samuel Adams Boston Brewery en compañía de un guía y descubra cómo se elabora la cerveza perfecta. Recorra las instalaciones de maduración Brew House, Bier Keller y Sour Barrel mientras cata cervezas exclusivas y artesanas de las fábricas de cerveza artesana más famosas de Estados Unidos. Al finalizar la visita, disfrutará de un almuerzo con cerveza en la sala de degustación.

  • De 30 a 45 minutos
  • De 25 USD a 50 USD según la experiencia
  • Es necesario efectuar la reserva con un día de antelación.

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By contacting our concierge, you agree to MOHG’s Privacy Policy. To book this experience we need your consent to transfer your personal information to the Vendor which may be in a country (including the location where the experience will be provided) which may not provide the same level of privacy protection as that provided by the country in which the information was collected. MOHG will take reasonable steps to ensure that while your personal information is within our control, we will handle your personal information using reasonable security and confidentiality procedures to keep your personal information secure and confidential. However, once your personal information is delivered to the Vendor, the Vendor will be solely responsible to you for processing your personal information. Please confirm your consent to such transfer and use of your personal information by inserting your request details below and clicking on the “Submit” button below. You have the right to withdraw your consent to MOHG processing your personal data at any time by contacting MOHG at


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