Welcome to Mandarin Oriental Fan Club
How may we assist you?
Kim Liew
Director, Global Sales
Telephone: +65 68 853 033
Email: kimliew@mohg.com
Talisa Lee
Senior Sales Manager (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam)
Telephone: +65 6885 3039
Email: tlee@mohg.com
Rico Kwong
Senior Account Manager
Telephone: +852 2895 9183
Email: ricokwong@mohg.com
Peter Hession
Australia International Sales Representative
Telephone: +61 437 801 002
Email: peter@peterhessionassociates.com
Aakriti Batra
India International Sales Representative
Telephone: +91 981 808 1449
Email: aakriti@1524delhi.com
Akinori Hirabara
Japan International Sales Representative
Telephone: +81 80 2931 9744
Email: ahirabara@mohg.com
Greater China
North China - PEK
Cherry Wang
Director of Global Sales, China
Telephone: +86 1371 890 6513
Email: cherryw@mohg.com
Sarah Wang
Assistant Director, Global Sales – Leisure
Telephone: +86 139 1071 4367
Email: swang@mohg.com
East China - SHA
Peter Wang
Director of Global Sales, China
Telephone: +86 21 6335 1800
Email: peterw@mohg.com
South China
Donna Wong
Head of Global Key Accounts (Hong Kong, Taiwan)
Telephone: +852 2895 9284
Email: donnaw@mohg.com
Barbara Cacoulidis
Vice President, Global Sales
Telephone: +1 646 320 3272
Email: bcacoulidis@mohg.com
Tom Puleio
Director, Global Sales
Telephone: +1 415 728 5860
Email: tpuleio@mohg.com
Emily Holbrook
Director, Global Sales
Telephone: +1 310 774-1730
Email: eholbrook@mohg.com
Jennifer Freire
Associate Director, Global Sales
Telephone: +1 646 881 8610
Email: jfreire@mohg.com
Marisa Vianna
Brazil International Sales Representative
Telephone: +55 21 2249 0588
Email: marisa@xmart.com.br
Marianne Stoopen
Mexico International Sales Representative
Telephone: +52 55 54 12 6584
Email: marianne@salesinternacional.com
Dominik Trimborn
Vice President, Global Sales, EU/UK/RU
Telephone: +49 0 151 155 98 991
Email: dtrimborn@mohg.com
Nidale Barret
Director of Global Sales Western Europe & Head of Global Luxury (PAR)
Telephone: +33 6 25 39 49 39
Email: nbarret@mohg.com
Joerg Schwarting
Director, Global Sales
Telephone: +1 44 0 79 5173 8774
Email: jschwarting@mohg.com
Ellie Osborne
Account Manager, Global Sales
Telephone: +44 0 20 7908 7877
Email: eosborne@mohg.com
Therese Jakeman
Account Manager, Global Sales
Telephone: +44 0 78 2504 0525
Email: tholmstrup@mohg.com
Timo Bohn
Director, Global Sales
Telephone: +49 0 160 9148 6040
Email: tbohn@mogh.com
Emma Huang
Account Manager, Global Sales
Telephone: +49 176 1909 8902
Email: ehuang@mohg.com
Oksana Malook
Russia International Sales Agent
Telephone: +1 985 774 97 19
Email: omalook@mohg.com
Valeria Stepanova
Director, Global Sales
Telephone: +49 0 69 610632
Email: valerias@mohg.com
Nadia Beaulieu
Vice President, Global Sales
Telephone: +971 56 547 4055
Email: nbeaulieu@mohg.com
Loay Osman
Director, Global Sales (Kuwait & Qatar)
Telephone: +971 56 969 4543
Email: losman@mohg.com
Mohammed Imran
Director, Global Sales (UAE & Bahrain)
Telephone: +971 5252 44661
Email: imranmy@mohg.com
Ashik Ali
Director, Global Sales (KSA & Oman)
Telephone: +966 54 84810 88
Email: aali@mohg.com