Looking up to the Petronas Tower in Kuala Lumpur through trees strung with red lanterns.

How to experience Kuala Lumpur in high style


Kuala Lumpur is a city of contrasts. One minute, you could be devouring handmade pasta topped with shaved truffle overlooking the sparkly Petronas Twin Towers, and the next you might be eating dim sum in a decades-old nondescript shop in Sentul, washing it down with inky black coffee. The same extremes apply to the city’s architecture, shopping and wellness options – where heritage and modernity co-exist in seamless fashion. It’s this sheer variety of offerings that makes Kuala Lumpur one of the most exciting capitals in Southeast Asia. And there’s nowhere better to take it all in than at sleek, centrally located Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur.

All offers and experiences available at time of publication. Please contact the hotel team for more information.