Preguntes freqüents

  • Q: Where can I purchase a Mandarin Oriental Gift Card?

    A: You may purchase either a traditional physical Gift Card or an eGift Card online in USD, HKD, GBP, EUR, CHF, QAR or SGD by following this link: Separately, you may purchase a physical Gift Card at any Mandarin Oriental property, with the exception of Mandarin Oriental, Taipei and Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo.


    Q: In what denominations are Gift Cards sold?

    A: Gift Cards are sold online in USD, HKD, GBP, EUR, CHF, QAR and SGD. Gift Cards are available in any custom denomination between USD 50 and USD 2,000, HKD 150 and HKD 15,000, GBP 30 and GBP 7,000, EUR 40 and EUR 40 and 8,000, CHF 46 and CHF 9,200, QAR 180 and QAR 36,000, or SGD 50 and SGD 2,000. Global gift cards may also be purchased in local currency at most hotels. For more information, please email


    Q: What purchase methods are accepted?

    A: Currently, online payment is accepted via VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diner’s Club, Apple Pay and Google Pay.


    Q: When will my credit card be charged?

    A: Your credit card will be charged at the time of purchase. This purchase will appear on your credit/debit card statement as TECHS*Mandarin Oriental.


    Q: How do I purchase more than one card?

    A: You may purchase unlimited Gift Cards per online transaction in any combination of physical and eGift Cards for a maximum total of USD 2,000, HKD 78,000, GBP 7,000, EUR 8,000, CHF 9,200, QAR 36,000, or SGD 2,000. To place larger orders, please visit a Mandarin Oriental hotel or email


    Q: Does Mandarin Oriental charge any additional fees for online Gift Card purchases?

    A: No. We will only charge the face value of the Gift Card, plus shipping costs. eGift Cards are sent via email and incur no shipping charges.


    Q: Can I cancel my order and refund my card?

    A: Mandarin Oriental Gift Cards are not refundable and may not be exchanged for cash unless required by law.


    Q: Which Gift Card should I purchase?

    A: There are two Gift Card options available: the Mandarin Oriental Global Gift Card, and the Experiences Gift Card.


    The Global Gift Card can be used at any participating Mandarin Oriental property, restaurant, bar or spa, loaded with a custom denomination (currency dependent). The benefit of our Global Gift Card is that it does not expire and can be used at your leisure.


    The Experience Gift Card allows the purchaser to gift a specific experience at a specific property to a recipient. The value of the experience will be set during the validity period, meaning that the recipient is able to redeem the experience in confidence that the Experience Gift Card will cover the full experience. Each Experience Gift Card has a validity period and will expire if not used during the aforementioned period.


    Both gift card options can be purchased as physical gift cards or as digital gift cards.

  • Q: How long does it take for a Gift Card to be delivered?

    A: eGift Cards: Your eGift Card will be sent via email on the delivery date you choose. If you select same day delivery, most eGift Cards are sent within an hour of purchase. For future deliveries, eGift Cards are sent at the specific time selected by the purchaser. If you do not see your eGift Card when expected, please check your spam or junk email folder.


    Physical Gift Card: The delivery time is contingent on the shipping option chosen at checkout. You will be presented with the most up to date delivery rates and shipping timelines for your delivery destination.


    Please note that Mandarin Oriental can’t be held responsible for delays caused by the postal system. Mandarin Oriental can’t accept liability for any delay which may occur in the delivery times which are due to circumstances outside its control. There is no dispatch or delivery on bank holidays or weekends.


    Any costs of packaging and delivery will be as displayed to you prior to you purchasing the Gift Card and outlined in the order confirmation.


    If you need your Gift Card to arrive earlier than our shipping options allow, please choose our eGift Card option, or visit a participating Mandarin Oriental location to purchase your Gift Card in person.


    Q: What exactly does the recipient receive when their eGift Card arrives?

    A: On the delivery date you choose, an e-mail is sent to the recipient informing them of your gift. The eGift Card includes the design you selected, your recipient’s name and a personalised message, as well as the eGift card number and value.


    Q: Are there any holidays and/or closures that might affect delivery time?

    A: eGift Card: No, eGift Card orders are not affected by holidays or other related closures.


    Physical Gift Card: There is no dispatch on weekends or bank holidays. All orders will be dispatched the next business day. A business day is a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in Singapore, Netherlands, United Kingdom, or United States when banks are not open in the country of your nearest fulfillment center.


    Q: How do I check my order status and delivery?

    A: eGift Card: Once your eGift Card is emailed to the recipient, you will receive an email notification.


    Physical Gift Card: Once your Gift Card is shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number, which you may use via the Courier Tracking URL to access the current shipping status of your gift.


    Alternatively, you may also contact us via email ( to enquire on the status of the Physical Card shipping status.


    Q: How do I purchase an eGift Card to print and hand deliver myself?

    A: To hand deliver a printed eGift Card yourself, begin by personalising the eGift Card with the recipient’s name and your desired message. Once you’ve done this, enter your own email address instead of the recipient’s email address. After completing your purchase, the card will be emailed to you and it may be printed out to hand deliver it to the recipient. Please remember to safeguard and treat any printed eGift Cards like cash since anyone with access to it can present it for redemption.


    Q: What can the Gift Card be used for?

    A: Your Mandarin Oriental Global Gift Card can be used for hotel accommodations, spa services, dining, boutique purchases and leisure activities at any of our participating properties.


    Q: Does the Gift Card holder have to be a guest to redeem their card?

    A: No, the recipient can use their Gift Card to redeem for services at any participating Mandarin Oriental property whether or not they are a guest at the hotel.


    Q: Does the full value of the card have to be redeemed at once?

    A: The Global Gift Card’s balance can be partially redeemed, and the leftover balance will remain intact.


    For an Experience Gift Card, this must be redeemed in full.


    Q: How will the exchange rate be calculated if I redeem my gift card?

    A: When a Mandarin Oriental Global Gift Card is redeemed at a hotel or resort where the local currency is other than the currency in which the card was issued, the daily market exchange rate is used for cross currency exchange inclusive of a 4% cross currency exchange fee.


    Q: What are the delivery dates for the Festive Season?

    A: Due to peak postal delivery time we recommend you order your gift cards on or before the dates below to ensure your gift card is delivered before Christmas. Don’t worry if you miss the dates as you can order digital cards right up to Christmas and beyond.

  • Q: Where can I use my Mandarin Oriental Gift Card?

    A: Mandarin Oriental Gift Cards are redeemable at participating Mandarin Oriental properties.

    Currently, Gift Cards are not for sale or redeemable at Mandarin Oriental, Taipei or Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo. In addition, Mandarin Oriental Gift Cards are not redeemable at the following dining venues:

    • Sushi Shikon and Kappon Rin at The Landmark, Mandarin Oriental;
    • Wasabi Bistro at Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur;
    • Atelier Di Carne, Hakkasan and Lucca by the Sea at Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum;
    • Ramsay's Kitchen by Gordon Ramsay at Mandarin Oriental, Boston;
    • Ory Bar and Amour Fou at Mandarin Oriental, Munich;
    • Zuicho at Mandarin Oriental, Singapore.
    • Currently, Gift Cards are not redeemable at Oberoi hotels


    Our “Experience Gift Cards”, will be limited to an experience at the issuing property specified. For digital experience gift cards, this will be visible on the e-gift card email. If you have received a physical experience gift card, this will be visible on the insert included with the gift card, or can also be viewed online upon registering your card


    Q: What can the Gift Card be used for?

    A: Your Mandarin Oriental Global Gift Card can be used for hotel accommodations, spa services, dining, boutique purchases and leisure activities at any of our participating properties.


    An “Experience Gift Card” will be limited to the experience and issuing property specified.


    Q: Does the Gift Card holder have to be a guest to redeem their card?

    A: No, the recipient can use his or her Gift Card to redeem services at any participating Mandarin Oriental property whether or not he or she is a guest at the hotel.


    Q: Does the full value of the card have to be redeemed at once?

    A: The Global Gift Card’s balance can be partially redeemed and the leftover balance will remain intact.


    Our Experience Gift Cards can only be redeemed once.


    Q: How will the exchange rate be calculated if I redeem my gift card?

    A: When a Mandarin Oriental Global Gift Card is redeemed at a hotel or resort where the local currency is other than the currency in which the card was issued, the daily market exchange rate is used for cross currency exchange inclusive of a 4% cross currency exchange fee.


    For the Experience Gift Card, a cross currency exchange fee of 4% may be applied for online transactions. This will not apply to Experience Gift Cards purchased on property.


    Q: When does my Gift Card expire?

    A: Mandarin Oriental Global Gift Cards never expire so we welcome you to enjoy your gift when the time is right.


    For Experience Gift Cards, this will vary based on the individual experience purchased as some of our experiences are seasonal or for limited time use only. Should you wish to enquire about the validity of your gift, please visit

  • P: Com puc consultar el saldo que queda a la targeta?

    R: Per consultar el saldo, visiti CONSULTAR EL SALDO DE LA TARGETA


    P: La targeta de regal caduca?

    R: No, les targetes de regal Mandarin Oriental no tenen data de caducitat.


    P: Com puc protegir el saldo de la targeta de regal?

    R: La millor manera de protegir el saldo de la targeta de regal és registrar-la tan bon punt la rebi, seguint aquest enllaç. Per això, haurà d’indicar la seva adreça de correu electrònic, crear una contrasenya, especificar el número de 20 dígits de l’anvers de la targeta i fer clic a “Crear un compte”. El procés dura uns cinc minuts en total. Registri la targeta ara. Si ja té un compte, iniciï sessió amb les seves dades a “El meu compte” i faci clic a “Afegir una targeta de regal” per registrar qualsevol targeta nova.


    P: Puc registrar més d’una targeta en el mateix compte?

    R: Sí, un cop que hagi iniciat sessió a “El meu compte”, faci clic a “Afegir una targeta de regal” i en podrà afegir més d’una.


    Què puc fer si perdo la targeta de regal o me la roben?

    R: Si tenia registrada la targeta de regal, iniciï sessió al seu compte, seleccioni la targeta afectada i, a continuació, “Denunciar la pèrdua de la targeta” en el menú desplegable. Segueixi les indicacions per bloquejar el saldo restant de la targeta. Un cop fet, comuniqui’ns una adreça postal a i podrem enviar-li una targeta a l’adreça indicada o bé tramitar que reculli la targeta a l’establiment Mandarin Oriental que li resulti més còmode. El saldo de la targeta de substitució serà el mateix que el que es va bloquejar a la targeta extraviada. Si la targeta no estava registrada, no en podem garantir la substitució. De totes maneres, si ens ho comunica a farem tots els possibles per ajudar-lo.


    Què passa si recupero la targeta extraviada, un cop emesa la de substitució?

    R: Llenci les targetes que hagin estat denunciades com a extraviades o robades. Un cop bloquejat el saldo i transferit a una altra targeta de regal, la targeta original ja no té cap valor i no s’accepta com a pagament.


    P: Puc recarregar la targeta de regal?

    R: De moment, no oferim la possibilitat de recarregar ni augmentar el valor de les targetes de regal un cop emeses.

  • P: És segura la meva comanda?

    R: Donem molta importància a la seguretat. Per a preguntes sobre seguretat de les comandes, consulti la nostra política de privadesa.


    P: Com prevenen que la targeta de regal es pugui perdre en ser considerada correu no desitjat?

    R: Respectem les bones pràctiques del sector per assegurar que la targeta de regal arribi correctament per correu electrònic. Tanmateix, hi ha la possibilitat que el missatge de correu electrònic es pugui considerar no desitjat, que un tallafoc corporatiu el bloquegi o que el destinatari no s’adoni que li ha arribat a la bústia d’entrada. Quan s’enviï la seva targeta de regal, vostè rebrà un correu electrònic de confirmació de l’enviament. Si el destinatari no rep la targeta de regal, comprovi que el correu electrònic d’aquesta persona que consta en la confirmació de la compra sigui correcte i demani al destinatari que comprovi la carpeta de correu no desitjat o de correu brossa. Si igualment no li arriba, escrigui un correu electrònic a perquè la targeta es reenviï a una adreça alternativa.


    P: Què pot passar si algú fa una còpia de la targeta de regal un cop impresa?

    R: Si algú fa una còpia de la targeta de regal i la utilitza per tot el seu valor total, la còpia de vostè ja no valdrà. El valor de la targeta de regal està lligat al número de la targeta, tant se val la quantitat de còpies que se’n facin. Un cop que s’ha fet servir el número, el valor de la compra es descompta de la targeta de regal. Si té sospites que algú ha copiat o robat la seva targeta de regal, contacti de seguida amb atenció al client a