Can a massage help you move more freely? We head to Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London’s spa for a game-changing new treatment.
Perfect your posture: a review of Mandarin Oriental’s Intelligent Movement massage
Από Elizabeth Winding
Φεβρουάριος 1, 2023
Modern life often means we’re moving less, with too much time spent hunched in chairs or tapping at laptops. If could-be-better posture and tight, tense muscles sound uncomfortably familiar, check in for a tailor-made Intelligent Movement treatment, available at Mandarin Oriental hotels worldwide. It combines trigger-point release work with deep muscle massage to target trouble spots and get the body moving more freely. Then, of course, there are the spas themselves: blissfully calm, restorative retreats, where real life feels like a distant dream.
All offers and experiences available at time of publication. Please contact the relevant hotel team for more information.