eBike Tour

Medieval Tour Segovia & eBike

Embark on a journey to Segovia, one of Spain's most captivating cities, and explore its wonders in the utmost comfort and sustainability with personalized eBikes, creating a unique Mandarin Oriental experience. Immerse yourself in the medieval ambiance as you traverse cobblestone streets and marvel at the beautiful Roman Aqueduct on this electric bicycle route. Venture beyond the city's medieval walls to ride along the river, discovering the rich history that permeates this charming destination.

Follow your expert guide to delve into the interiors of the centuries-old Convent of the Carmelitas and visit the tomb of San Juan de la Cruz. Seize the opportunity to indulge in the delightful traditional sweets of the region. No visit to Segovia is complete without savouring its culinary emblem – relish the traditional roast suckling pig with the backdrop of the stunning Segovian mountains.

This 3-hour experience is priced at EUR 1012 per group and requires a minimum of 1 person and a maximum of 4 people. Availability is limited and advance booking is required.

Visitors are encouraged to respect cultural and natural heritage sites by following guidelines, avoiding contact with objects and artworks, and preserving these landmarks for future generations.

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