back massage

90-minute Oriental Signature Massage

This unique experience includes a signature massage with a concentrated blend of essential oils - lavender, ylang-ylang, patchouli, peppermint, rosemary, and lemon, which release their soothing properties into the skin. This technique, which combines Thai and European styles, eases muscle tension and energises the body with acupressure movements and stretching. The experience ends with a localised shoulder and spinal compress.


This experience includes:


  • A welcome drink.
  • A consultation with our Spa therapist to personalise the massage to your needs.
  • The 90-minute massage starts with Thai and European styles oil massage and ends with a warm herbal poultice containing fresh Thai herbs including lemongrass, turmeric, and plai.


This experience is priced at THB 6,200 per person.


*Price is inclusive of 10% service charge and applicable government tax.


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